Welcome, this blog is dedicated to You! Enjoy reading about how to build a foundation with God in your business, insights into best practices for sales conversions, mindset strategies to beat your Inner Dream Stealer, and current marketing success practices.

Plus how to apply Biblical success principles with our 7 Pillars of a Divinely Successful Business, and soo much more.

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image of Elise Smith at her desk smiling

Elise Smith

Christian Business Strategist

Divinely Driven Results

Overcoming Doubts and Fears: Trusting God's Guiding Hand in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Overcoming Doubts and Fears: Trusting God's Guiding Hand in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Discover the power of faith and how it can transform your business path. Find inspiration in biblical principles, real stories, and actionable steps to conquer doubts and fears. Your dreams are worth ... ...more

God Foundation

September 18, 20232 min read

2 Powerful Keys to Partnering with God in Your Business

2 Powerful Keys to Partnering with God in Your Business

Often, we use God as a catastrophic consultant, or we may treat Him as our CEO - chief everything officer and rely on Him to do all the work. This is not a successful partnership. Learn 2 Key ways to ... ...more

God Foundation

January 16, 20237 min read

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