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image of Elise Smith at her desk smiling

Elise Smith

Christian Business Strategist

Divinely Driven Results

Discover Your Divine Client

Discover Your Divine Client

March 03, 20237 min read

...there are more of your Divine clients out there than you can ever possibly serve!

Are you tired of training after training about your ideal client/avatar? 😩

❓Do you feel like it’s pointless to fill out more and more pages of information about exactly who that person is while still feeling like something is missing?

❓Do you wish you could understand what’s missing and what to do with that information?

Well, hold on to your hat, sister - we’re about to turn that ideal client concept on its head!

I invite you to replace the idea of an ideal client with a Divine Client

No to Ideal Client

It's not just about who you want to serve, it's about who God wants you to serve, and several factors that can help you identify and serve your Divine client.

You may be asking yourself how you are to know who you should serve, what does it means to have a Divine client versus an ideal client/customer/avatar, and what you should do with that information once you have it. Let’s explore this topic more.

God’s Divine Client for You

In our programs, we teach the difference between your ideal client as the one you want to serve because it makes sense or is convenient, whereas your Divine client is someone you feel called to serve, even if it doesn't make the best sense at the time and may not be convenient at all.

Your ideal client may be someone you feel you have enough experience to serve, someone who doesn’t challenge you, whereas your Divine client may be someone you may need to step out of your comfort zone to serve them.

Your ideal client may be someone who keeps getting plopped on your lap, whereas your Divine client could be someone you have never served before but whom God has in store for you.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)

Your Divine client may not make sense to the world or your industry just yet, but there is a reason God has called you to serve them. So, trust His ways.

How To Choose Your Divine Client

Many of our potential clients often struggle with identifying the person God calls them to serve. Overthinking and indecisiveness often hinder their commitment. To overcome this obstacle, reflecting on your talents, gifts, and experiences that God has prepared you to serve from can be helpful.

As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever Amen. (1 Peter 4:10-11)

Consider who God has ordained you to serve based on what He has given you, and come up with a few adjectives to find them. We recommend 3.

  1. Start with their gender: men vs. women

  2. What they do: stay-at-home mom, entrepreneur, teacher, chef, etc.

  3. A vital adjective about this person: busy, Christian, stressed out, wavering, etc.

This is a quick way to identify the person and focus your marketing on them when you see them.

Note 📝: A mom of teens has very different needs and desires than a woman in the corporate world without children. Speaking to those needs directly is essential, so don’t be afraid to niche down to those 3 adjectives.

Niching Fears

When attempting to serve or address everyone, it results in serving and addressing no one. With a Divine connection, we can gain the chance for a genuine understanding with our clients. We seek that "me-too" moment where our clients feel understood. This is not possible when targeting a vast audience. Working with specialists is preferred over generalists.

Yet when you narrow your focus, your Inner Dream Stealer can lead you to doubt and negative thinking like:

  • Is it God who wants me to serve these people, or is it just my thoughts?

  • I need help finding clients to serve as is; what if I limit myself even more by niching down?

  • My product/service is for everyone, so why would I niche down?

  • What if I run out of people to serve?

  • What if I choose the wrong Divine client?

When you start having these thoughts remember that the adversary is trying to stop you from finding that Divine client you were predestined to serve.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

Don’t give in to the fear and let him win.

This bit of knowledge made all the difference in the world to me when it came to overcoming my fears and doubts about niching down: there are more of your Divine clients out there than you can ever possibly serve!

So let go of your Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), and as you speak to and focus more on your Divine client, you will find that it’s easier to gain clients. And not just any clients - the ones you want to work with and who are eager to work with you because the Lord has already prepared them!

Speaking to Your Divine Client

Now that you better understand who your Divine client is, how do you incorporate this knowledge into your business? At Divinely Driven Results, we help our clients integrate their Divine client insights into every aspect of their brand, marketing, and services, resulting in significant positive changes in their business.

A simple way to start doing this is to include one "me-too" moment in your social media posts. For instance, consider the difference between these two posts:


“Have you ever felt like you don’t have enough time for yourself? Well, let me show you how my coaching services can empower you to make time to fill your own cup.”


“Are you a busy mom with teens who feels like your whole life has become consumed with carpools, sports, and other activities, leaving no time for yourself?
I have been there 🙋‍♀️and have worn the three-day-old t-shirt. I can show you 3 simple ways to find peace in the chaos and enjoy a hot bubble bath 🛀on a weeknight that will supercharge you to get to the weekend and still keep your super-mom status. DM me for details.”

If your social media post includes a "me-too" moment they can relate to, it can create a deeper connection with you. For instance, a busy mom may resonate more with a post that specifically addresses her struggles (Post #2) rather than a general post about a product or service. They are likelier to trust and engage with your content by feeling understood and acknowledged.

Including a "me-too" moment can be a powerful tool in creating a sense of empathy and rapport with your audience, ultimately leading to increased engagement and action.

Steps You Can Take

✔️Take the following questions to the Lord:

  • What talents, gifts, experiences, challenges, and strengths have you been given to serve others in your business?

  • Who is God calling you to serve?

  • Create 3 adjectives to describe your Divine client (such as Christian, Women, Entrepreneurs, Busy Moms, Teachers, etc.)

  • What is holding you back from narrowing down to this Divine client?

  • What will you do this month to focus on finding and serving your Divine client?

✔️Get our exclusive free Discover Your Divine client worksheet!

Unlock your Divine calling and make a lasting impact! This powerful tool will help uncover who God has destined you to serve. Take advantage of this opportunity to align your business with your true calling and stop struggling to find your Divine Client. Grab your worksheet now!

Discover Your Divine client worksheet!

clientideal clientclient avatardivine clientnichenichingfear of missing outFOMOGodbrandingmarketingservingpotential clients
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Elise Smith

Elise is a Christian Business Strategist, speaker and owner of Divinely Driven Results who lives in Utah with her husband of 15 years, their pup-son Spike and their miracle baby boy (after 14 yrs of trying). She empowers faith-filled women entrepreneurs to reach their sales goals by partnering with God, empowering their mindset, and teaching them to implement biblical business strategy. Elise has been coaching for over 14 years and loves to see her clients reach their goals and answer their calling by helping them to lay a strong foundation in their business and gain a closer relationship with God to build their business in the Lord’s way as opposed to the world’s way. Her purpose is to help women remember their power as a daughter of God and utilize that to build their Kingdom Business and fulfill the calling God has given them.

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