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image of Elise Smith at her desk smiling

Elise Smith

Christian Business Strategist

Divinely Driven Results

2 Keys to Partner with God

2 Powerful Keys to Partnering with God in Your Business

January 16, 20237 min read

Wow! I hadn’t even realized that I could partner with God in my business.” - Workshop Participant

If you are anything like this woman, you may pray and ask God for guidance in various areas of your life, but may not have realized that you are leaving God at the office door. Learn how to partner with God in your business with these 2 powerful keys.

2 Keys

Imagine you could have any business partner in the world. Who would you choose? Probably someone with intelligence, good problem solving skills, great business knowledge, someone you can connect with and who has a shared vision. What if they also knew your Divine Client (who are you called to serve), could see into the future to know how best to guide you, and knew you better than you know yourself and cared about your success?

God: Our Perfect Business Partner

Who better to partner with than God, who has all of these attributes and so much more! Who is willing to partner with you to bless you abundantly so you can further His kingdom?

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” - Jeremiah 29:11

Or in other words: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Your Partnership with God

Oftentimes, we use God as a catastrophic consultant without even meaning to. See if this sounds familiar: things are going really well in business and you are thanking God for it in your regular prayers, but then something happens, like you lose a client or aren’t able to make the sales you had planned on and what do you do? You hit your knees and beg for God’s help to make things right. What if you had originally included Him in all of the small decisions and problems to begin with? You may have avoided those issues in the first place.

On the other hand, we may treat God as our CEO - chief everything officer and rely on Him to do all the work and get frustrated with Him when He doesn’t provide.

What kind of partnership would you like to have with God?

2 Powerful Keys

🔑Key #1. Build Your Contract

In order to have a true partnership, there has to be two-way trust and work. Remember that ideal business partner we talked about earlier? Once you find that person, what’s the first thing you would do? You would create a contract outlining your responsibilities. What if you did that with God, too? In James 2:26 we learn that “...faith without works is dead also.” Your Divine contract will empower you to strengthen both your faith, by relying on your Heavenly Father, and your works by committing to follow God in your business.

Your Commitment

Now, you might be thinking, “I don’t need to put God under contract”, but sister let me tell you that this contract isn’t for Him, it’s for you. I have always been fascinated by the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his only son (who they had waited and prayed many years for) in Genesis 22. Just as Abraham is about to slay him, the Angel of the Lord calls unto him to stop. Why? Because it wasn’t to God that Abraham needed to prove he would do all things the Lord asked of him - it was Abraham himself.

  • Are you ready to commit to God and to your business to gain the success He has planned for you?

  • Are you ready to follow where He leads and take the steps He is asking you to take?

To be successful as a Christian Ladypreneur, all you need to do is ask what the Lord would have you do (Matthew 7:7), take that action in faith believing He will bless you (James 1:6), and repeat the process over and over again having patience in His perfect timing.

In this section of your contract, ask God what actions He would have you take in your business regularly (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and write them down along with your commitment to doing them. Then take that faith-filled action every day!

God's Commitment

I have bad news for you. You can’t control your revenue or sales goal. You can influence it, but you can’t control it. The good news is that this is where God gets to test and strengthen our faith, which, as 1 Peter 1:7 says, is more precious than gold. We strengthen our faith in God, His plan for us, and in His timing when we take action on what He has asked us to do, but sometimes we need a few reminders along the way.

For this part of the contract, do a search to find all of the ways He is promising you to partner with you and be with you. For instance some of my favorite reminders of God’s commitment to me and our business are:

  • John 14:18: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

  • Isaiah 40:31: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

  • Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

🔑Key #2. Weekly Business Meetings with God

For business partners to be successful they need to keep in constant communication and work together to grow. It’s the same with God as your partner. Take time each week (even just 10 mins) to connect with Him, learn from Him, and take inventory of what’s working and what’s not, so you can brainstorm ideas on how to handle the bumps in the road before they become major detours.

Check out the link above for a free resource on how to brainstorm with God.

At Divinely Driven Results, we recommend that you have a weekly planning session with God to start your week, covering things such as:

  • A monthly goal check-in

  • Understanding His weekly goal and action steps for the week for you

  • Co-creating success with God

  • Asking and gaining guidance on how to serve others that week.

Then at the end of the week, we encourage our clients to do a recap and take inventory on how well they did on God’s weekly focus and goal for them plus what’s working and what’s not and what God would have them do about it.

Make this a mandatory meeting on your calendar each week and you will start to see your business grow like never before!

With these 2 Powerful Keys to Partnering with God in Your Business you will bring more Divine guidance into your life so you don’t have to feel stuck or alone again. You have the greatest business partner there is and He is ready and willing to bless you, as you take the action steps He gives you through staying close to Him.

A Great Resource To Partner With God

Now that you know the 2 Keys 🔑, here is the best way to implement them. We have an excellent resource for creating a daily and weekly habit of partnering with God and increasing your Divine guidance through our Faith Strategy Business Planner. You will learn the structure and steps needed to implement 3 of our favorite strategies;

  1. Business Meetings with God

  2. Daily Daddy Daughter time

  3. Goal Setting with God.

Plus, study how to apply Jesus' parables to your business for Divine growth.

Faith Strategy Business Planner

The Faith Strategy Business Planner, Jesus's Parables Edition is an undated (so you can start anytime) resource for you to study the Bible and Partner with God in your business all in one place so you can stay focused on building with the Lord every day.

Planner Love

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Elise Smith

Elise is a Christian Business Strategist, speaker and owner of Divinely Driven Results who lives in Utah with her husband of 15 years, their pup-son Spike and their miracle baby boy (after 14 yrs of trying). She empowers faith-filled women entrepreneurs to reach their sales goals by partnering with God, empowering their mindset, and teaching them to implement biblical business strategy. Elise has been coaching for over 14 years and loves to see her clients reach their goals and answer their calling by helping them to lay a strong foundation in their business and gain a closer relationship with God to build their business in the Lord’s way as opposed to the world’s way. Her purpose is to help women remember their power as a daughter of God and utilize that to build their Kingdom Business and fulfill the calling God has given them.

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